







It is a description of the herd mentality of the property, any error.

① crowd, there is no overall unity around its target if Takamare interest in the common interest, gradually self-consciousness is Usuragi, individuals to mob
② the self from that awareness as part of the crowd, responsibility for the results is dispersed, it is no longer thin and become responsibility of guilt
③ range of consciousness is narrowed, resistance to external influences is weakened

④ knowledge for a common target is a partial, can not legitimate decision on their own, would like to uncritically to swallow the decisions and statements of others

⑤ affective becomes strong, intellectual action is retracted significantly


答え) ① ひとつの全体的なまとまりとなり、次第に自己意識が薄らぎ、全体のなかに融合する