

不特定多数の人が集中し混雑するお祭り、花火大会やイベントなどで、歩行 者や車両を誘導し、人や車などの接触による事故の発生を未然に防ぎます。 また、 交差点、イベント会場などの出入り口など混雑する場所で広報を行いスムーズに歩行者 を誘導する


有効面積の算定等による定. 員、 滞留人員、 入・退場の方法、 雑踏密度と収容能力との関係、 群集密度と. 移動速度の関係、 規制 (梯団分割等) 方法










Put the communication skills through the crowd security


Festival crowded concentrated unspecified number of people, and the like fireworks and events, to induce pedestrians and vehicles, to prevent the occurrence of accidents due to contact, such as people and vehicles in advance. In addition, intersection, and then induce a smooth pedestrian to perform public relations at the location where you want to congestion, such as doorways and event venue


Constant. Members by calculation, etc. of effective area, the residence personnel, method of input and exit, the relationship between the hustle and bustle density and capacity, the relationship between the crowd and density. Movement speed, regulation (Teidan division, etc.) method


How transmission verbal


How transmission visual


Each one I have in the purpose of bring out the best in the value of the individual through work